Contact Information
If you contact us with questions about a doll you want help selling or that needs repairing it is usually best to Email us. While we can answer a few questions off the top of our head, on the phone, we usually need to consult research material to give a complete answer (You should see the size of our library). In an E-mail pictures can be attached and are always helpful in determining the condition and extent of the repairs needed or to help identify a doll you want to sell. Include pictures of any marks you can see on the doll. The marks are typically on the back of the head (sometimes under the wig) or on the back of the shoulders. On some there may also be a stamp on the body. The height of the doll is also very important. Many dolls were made in a variety of sizes and the size can influence the value of the doll and the effort needed to complete a repair.
When you take a photo with most digital cameras or cell phones the resulting image is usually of the highest possible resolution for the device taking the photo. The resulting file the photo is stored in will be larger than is needed to easily send in an E-mail. Once you have the photos on your computer or phone you should try to crop them to contain just the relevant portions of the doll and to compress them to a smaller size for ease of emailing. On a computer a file size of 200 K to 500 K bytes for each picture is usually sufficient. Also if the total attachments in a single email is more than 10-15 Meg bytes the E-mail may not go through. In this case you may need to send multiple E-mails to get all the photos to me. With all this information in an E-mail we can quickly do the needed research and get back to you with the information you need.
If the device you are using does not have an E-mail connection configured the E-mail button below will not work. In this case use the "Ask a Question" button below. It will open a form where you can enter your question. Unfortunately the question form does not allow photos to be sent.
Richard & Elisabeth Crouch
Our E-mail address is as follows: Click here to E-mail Us Ask a Question